Employer BenefitsWhy offer work-based learning opportunities?
Discover and nurture rising young talent
Work-based learning offers businesses the unique opportunity to scout and train students, creating a talent pool of potential future employees.
Opportunity for employers to promote their business
Participation allows businesses to contribute to the development of the future workforce, helping students understand their business and promote their industry in a hands-on way.
Strengthen community and the future workforce
Businesses not only create a talent pipeline, but contribute to local community development and the economy. It’s a win-win for businesses and the community!
Frequently Asked Questions
What can high school students contribute to my business?
High school students can bring fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to your workplace. Often tech-savvy and quick learners, these students are eager to make a meaningful contribution.
Hiring high school students is also an investment in your company's future. Engaging them early increases job commitment and engagement, which often leads to higher employee retention rates and fewer vacant positions over time. The training they receive during their initial role can also lower future training costs when they transition to full-time employment. High school students don't just fill a role; they offer a way to cultivate talent, enhance productivity, and bolster long-term business outcomes.
Hiring high school students is also an investment in your company's future. Engaging them early increases job commitment and engagement, which often leads to higher employee retention rates and fewer vacant positions over time. The training they receive during their initial role can also lower future training costs when they transition to full-time employment. High school students don't just fill a role; they offer a way to cultivate talent, enhance productivity, and bolster long-term business outcomes.
What type of support is available for businesses hosting high school students?
Businesses are not alone in hosting high school students for work-based learning opportunities. Schools and intermediaries often offer extensive support, ranging from developing job descriptions tailored for high school interns to handling logistical issues. They can also provide training sessions for mentors and supervisors within your company to help guide the students effectively. Some intermediaries even serve as a single point of contact if you're coordinating with multiple educational institutions, streamlining the process and saving you valuable time.
How does the work-based learning program address liability and insurance matters?
As an employer, your liability for high school interns is generally the same as for any other employees. Most high school interns can be covered under your existing workers' compensation policies. To further minimize risk, you can require students and their families to sign waivers or hold-harmless agreements. In some instances, school insurance policies or intermediary organizations may also provide additional coverage for students during their internships. However, it is always recommended to consult with your insurance carrier and legal counsel for specific advice tailored to your situation.