Looking Back on the 2020-2021 School Year: A Special Message from Xello

Thank you to the educators and administrators who continue to support students in building their successful futures.
It’s been… quite a year.
As we reflect upon this school year, the team at Xello is completely in awe of you—our clients—the educators and leaders who have risen to a seemingly impossible task to launch, expand, and maintain your future readiness programs. And, in a year that has tested everyone, the dedication to reach students and keep them on track to building a successful future has been truly inspiring.
We’ve heard stories of how districts are bridging gaps in Wi-Fi connectivity and how communities have banded together to get devices to students who need them. Switching from in-class to online and back again, dealing with constant uncertainty, and doing everything to keep staff and students safe, educators have been on the front lines of trying to keep everything going. Witnessing your patience, creativity, compassion and commitment has been humbling—to say the least.
With that said, our team here at Xello have a few words to share with our classroom heroes. This one’s for you:
Last year at this time, we were unsure what the new school year would bring. Enter a year that has tested the skills we’re always telling students are critical: flexibility, resilience, empathy, and determination. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for everything you have done for your students, your colleagues, and your communities this year.
Making Connections
We’ve always enjoyed connecting with our clients face-to-face through conferences, training, and visiting districts. Sharing ideas, hearing about challenges, learning educators’ stories has always been incredibly insightful and energizing. Without those opportunities, we’ve found new digital ways to connect, like our Remote Roundtable series and virtual seminars.
Still, we’re so excited to be at ASCA All-in, scheduled to be in-person in Las Vegas from July 11-14th. For all those planning to make the trek, we hope to see you there!
Looking Ahead to 2021-2022
As we move toward the next school year, here are a few things on the horizon designed to help you support students’ future readiness:
- Engaging Families in Future Readiness – This summer we’re introducing Xello Family, a portal for parents and supportive adults to support their children’s goals and plans.
- Revamped Xello Support Site – stay tuned in the coming months for a new look & feel for Xello Support that will help educators (new and seasoned) navigate getting started and gaining deeper knowledge of important features.
- Refined Xello Training Offerings – just in time for new-year onboarding, our training offerings are being refreshed to make it simpler for novices to become expert Xello users!
In the meantime, we’re focused on supporting educators’ needs as the school year comes to a close, including reporting and finishing off end-of-year tasks. Be sure to get in touch with your Success Manager, who is ready to set you on a path for success in the new school year!
Our Wishes for You Over the Summer
This summer, the Xello Team wishes everyone the rest and relaxation they deserve every year, with the hope that you’ll reconnect with yourself and with your loved ones.
Whatever the 2021-2022 school year brings, it’s our sincerest wish that you have the support you need. We’ve always known the importance of ‘every student, future ready’, and this year has once again shown us how integral educators are in encouraging, reinforcing, and mentoring students to realize their goals. With better days on the horizon, we’ll be excited to welcome you back refreshed and ready to reignite engagement with them in the classroom, or virtually.