Privacy & Security

Learn how Xello's extensive data privacy measures and information security best practices ensure the confidence of all our stakeholders.

Ownership & Control of Your Student Data

Because our data storage practices comply with data retention laws, and our Privacy Policy is governed by FERPA, PIPEDA, GDPR and all established federal, regional, and international regulations, Xello customers can rest assured their data will never be accessed or used in unauthorized ways.


Our Pledge of Student Privacy

Xello has signed the national Student Privacy Pledge regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information. The pledge states: “School service providers take responsibility to both support the effective use of student information and safeguard student privacy and information security.”

Assurance of Safe Data Storage

Schools and districts can communicate with confidence to shareholders that their student data is safe and secure.
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    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations (FERPA)
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    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
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    Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
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    Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
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    Education Law Section 2-D (EdLaw 2D)

Access 4 Learning Community Member

Composed of more than 3,000 schools, districts, local authorities, states, US and International Ministries of Education, software vendors and consultants, this non-profit collaboration addresses all aspects of information management and access to support learning.

Xello’s Commitment

3rd Party Audits

Xello undergoes regular external audits to ensure compliance.
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    SOC2 Type 2 - An annual assessment measuring compliance with various controls in relations to security, confidentiality and availability.
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    CyberEssentials - An annual assessment measuring compliance to the standards developed by IASME and the National Cyber Security Centre.

What to Look For When Evaluating Your Next Software Supplier

Learn best practices about what to look for when comparing program features and capabilities.