Future readiness for your whole trust
More than any other program on the market, Xello offers a trust-wide approach to career planning and future readiness, helping all students become future ready.

Engage every student in your trust with a groundbreaking future-readiness program
Built with thousands of hours of research with educators, Xello puts students at the heart of their journey of self-discovery. By delivering an engaging student experience, Xello helps multi-academy trust leaders achieve real results. Centralised data empowers leaders with the insights to drive a trust-wide careers education strategy.

Efficiently Support Every Student
Take one thing off your already very full plate. With Xello you’ll deliver personalised learning at a trust-wide scale, save time on administrative tasks, and keep student plans organised in a centralised spot.

Meet Gatsby Benchmarks
Meet the Gatsby Benchmarks and evidence your progress to Ofsted with an engaging program that accurately tracks student progress and completion rates.

Teach Future-Ready Skills & Knowledge
Help students build the 21st century skills to thrive. Xello equips all students, from year 7 to year 13, with the knowledge, real-world skills, and planning capabilities to navigate their future.
Tailored careers curriculum
Tailored careers curriculum
Xello’s self-guided and personalised lessons develop students’ skills and knowledge to support key transition points. Built in reports allow trusts and schools valuable insight into student progress and simplify Gatsby Benchmark reporting.
Measurable outcomes
Measurable outcomes
With Xello’s educator tools you can record, track, and measure student outcomes. Reporting is available on individual students, individual schools, or trust wide. This provides insights that will inform your strategy and illuminate areas of focus.
Cost and time savings
Cost and time savings
Rolling out any new platform can be tough, especially across an entire trust. Xello provides world-class service and training, seamless data integration with your MIS, and single sign-on (SSO), making onboarding a breeze.
Our Commitment
Getting Started is Easier Than You Think
With CASCAID, you have a partner with expertise in careers, education and technology and a 50+ year history supporting career development. We’ve spearheaded regional rollouts of Xello across all secondary schools in Northern Ireland as well as all schools in the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. We are comfortable working at scale!
Account creation made easy
Our onboarding team will work with you to set up your account and create all your users from the get-go, freeing up your time so that you can focus on the things that matter most.
Resources to help educators succeed
You and your colleagues will be ready to confidently lead your students through Xello with free, online resources to ensure you and your students are set on the path to success.
Seamless data integration
Secure integration with your Management Information System (MIS) via Wonde so that students’ plans are viewable in one place.