Connect students with the local labour market

Engage every student in your local authority with a single platform solution

Centralised regional reporting
Centralised regional reporting
With Xello, local authorities can extend high-quality careers provision to schools and colleges across the region, and benefit from centralised, at-a-glance reporting that helps focus a regional careers strategy.
About Me
Personalised student portfolios
About Me
Personalised student portfolios
Students personalise their Xello experience by creating a shareable, online portfolio that showcases their interests, skills, and abilities. Profiles are easily updated as students gain new experiences, reflecting who they are every step of the way.
Explore Options
Vibrant career, college, university and apprenticeship profiles
Explore Options
Vibrant career, college, university and apprenticeship profiles
Students explore hundreds of career, college and university, and apprenticeship options that align with their assessment results. Engaging content written at a year 7 level, rich photography, and real-world interviews provide an authentic glimpse into their future.
Build skills local employers value
Build skills local employers value
With integrated lessons, students build essential skills and knowledge that can help them succeed in the real world. Personalised based on their work in Xello, lessons give students the chance to reflect, reassess, and build communication, problem solving, and teamwork skills to ensure smooth transitions between critical life stages.