Allô! Nous sommes Xello.
Une entreprise de logiciels éducatifs gérée par des gens passionnés déterminés à aider chaque élève à se préparer à l’avenir.

Nous aidons les élèves à se préparer à l'avenir.
Nous avons été inspirés par ce que nous avons vécu nous-mêmes après avoir obtenu notre diplôme. Nous nous étions alors demandé : « Quelle est la prochaine étape? » Nous n’étions pas seuls. Nos amis et nos pairs avaient eux aussi du mal à répondre à cette question apparemment simple. Peu d’entre eux avaient des idées concrètes sur ce qu’ils voulaient faire dans la vie. Leur compréhension des options était généralement très limitée. Elle se fondait davantage sur des stéréotypes superficiels et inexacts que sur les réalités du monde du travail. Ceux qui avaient une vision de leur avenir ne savaient pas trop comment en faire une réalité.
Nous aidons les élèves à se préparer à l'avenir.
Depuis que nous avons découvert ce problème il y a plus de 20 ans, nous nous sommes attachés à concevoir des solutions afin d’aider les élèves à se préparer à l’avenir. Notre logiciel captivant et divertissant jette un pont entre les jeunes et le monde du travail. Il présente les futures possibilités à chaque élève, lui fournit des indications et lui permet d’acquérir les connaissances et les compétences dont il aura besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées et concevoir des plans d’action. Il aide chaque élève à se prendre en main et à déterminer qui il sera et ce qu’il deviendra en lui donnant la confiance requise pour s’engager dans la voie d’un brillant avenir.
Matt McQuillen, Jeff Harris et Angus McMurtry fondent Career Cruising.

Nous lançons la première version de Career Cruising, qui comporte 150 profils de carrière sur CD-ROM avec son et vidéo.
Nous quittons le sous-sol pour nous installer dans notre premier vrai bureau.
Nous lançons Career Cruising sur le Web.
Les portfolios d'élève en ligne sont ajoutés au programme
Les rapports et les tableaux de bord destinés aux éducateurs sont introduits.
Hola et bonjour! Des programmes en espagnol et en français sont offerts.
Nous sommes à l'étroit dans notre bureau et devons déménager.
La planification des cours du secondaire est introduite.
Nous commençons la recherche et le développement d'un produit de nouvelle génération.
Nous accueillons notre 100ᵉ employé! Wow!
Allô, Xello! Nous présentons un tout nouveau programme, et Career Cruising est renommée Xello.
Les leçons interactives pleinement intégrées sont introduites.
Vous voulez nous aider à écrire le prochain chapitre de notre histoire?
Les gens passionnés derrière Xello
Help us write the next chapter in our story. Become a Xellion today!
- Culture
- Culture
- Dirigeants
- Expérience client
- Marketing
- Opérations
- Produit
- Réussite des clients
- Ventes

Katie Lutes

Laura Commisso
Spécialiste en recrutement de talents

Stevie Lien
Employee Experience Specialist

Jessica Tan
Talent Acquisition Specialist

Cliona O'Keeffe
Talent Acquisition Specialist

Meghan Foster
Director, Sales

Eric Tennison
Director, Business Development

Angie Low
Director, Customer Success

Sarah Brown
Director, Product Management

Jeffrey Taylor
Director, Revenue Operations

Madeleine Starowicz
Director, Product Marketing

Sharon Preda
Associé, Réussite clients

Matt Krawczyk
Strategic Territory Manager

Amanda Molinaro
Associé subalterne, Réussite clients

Oliver Brown
Strategic Territory Manager

Melissa Hutchison
Strategic Territory Manager

Noa Lipton
Gestionnaire principal de l'intégration
Andrew Shannon
Directeur financier

Monica Biesok
Directrice, Marketing des produits

Maureen Ariza Paredes
Chercheuse, CX

Ginny Weitner
Conseillère, Ventes institutionnelles stratégiques

Sofia Rokerya
Directrice, solutions clients

Ben Pierce
Directeur, services des données

Delfina Manocchio
Directrice principal, Réussite

Heather Bugden
Directrice, intégration

Marcio Bomfim
Directeur, design

Craig Bell
Directeur, contenu

Te Thebeau
expérience produit
expérience produit

Katie Lutes

Meredith Beyer-Alldridge
expérience client
expérience client

Anthony Abbott
systèmes d'information
systèmes d'information

Chris Olford
Gestionnaire, Réussite – Comptes clés

Mona Hendesi
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Jackelyn Skudra
Directrice, Développement des affaires

Jeff Harris
Président et fondateur

Matt McQuillen
PDG et fondateur

Laura Commisso
Spécialiste en recrutement de talents

Danielle Sheahan
Conceptrice de services

Marah Angara
Éditeur de graphiques animés et de vidéos

Maureen Ariza Paredes
Chercheuse, CX

Meredith Beyer-Alldridge
expérience client
expérience client

Tonya French
Program Manager, Customer Education

Carol Lopez
Team Lead, Training

Tara Worthey Segal
Educational Content Creator

Christine Mulcahy
Educational Content Creator

Laura Weber
Sr Training Specialist

Anthony Cook
Training Specialist, Strategic

Megan McCoy
Training Specialist, WBL

Diana Rechichi
Training Specialist

Mitch Taylor
Training Specialist

Sophia Obas
Training Specialist

Yinka Boudreaux
Training Specialist

Daniel Gilbert
Training Specialist

Madeleine Starowicz
Director, Product Marketing

Fatima Stepanian
Gestionnaire de propositions

Monica Biesok
Directrice, Marketing des produits

Megan Santos
Gestionnaire principal, Marketing de contenus

Rachel Wilmshurst

Jeff Gluck
Spécialiste principal des acquisitions

Logan Oullette
Program Manager, Xello Communities

Farah Hossain
Sr Events and Community Manager

Bugie Lo
Sr Partnerships Development Manager

George Ferrier
Senior Manager, Marketing Operations

Dionne Cheong
Gestionnaire, Marketing clientèle

Manraj Riat
Product Marketing Manager

Sneha Dhakan
Lifecycle Marketing Manager

Neha Sharma
Brand & Community Coordinator

Abdulla Wasti
Proposals Writer

Kate Elliott
Product Marketing Manager

Jeffrey Taylor
Director, Revenue Operations
Andrew Shannon
Directeur financier

Asif Mohamed
Gestionnaire principal des finances

Wendy Ubaldo

Anthony Abbott
systèmes d'information
systèmes d'information

Cathy Abbott
Adjointe administrative

Carl Pinto
Chef de projet Salesforce

Dana Gulas
Analyste de la comptabilité

Angela Mak
Assistant Controller

Anunay Verma
Revenue Operations Analyst

Drew Woods
Revenue Operations Analyst

Zhanel Mamedaliyeva
Commissions and Planning Analyst

Lili Fodor
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Sarah Brown
Director, Product Management

Sneha Cecil
Concepteur de produits

Merion Evangelista
Conceptrice de produits

Guilherme Dickie
Architecte des solutions

Carlos Darcie
Concepteur de graphiques animés

Beverly Li
Ingénieur, IU

Fabricio Biron Ribeiro
Ingénieur, IU

Jules Carney
Ingénieur Full Stack

Lily Beaul
Ingénieur principal, Applications frontales

George Batalinski
Ingénieur principal, Applications frontales et ScrumMaster

Ben Pierce
Directeur, services des données

Marcio Bomfim
Directeur, design

Craig Bell
Directeur, contenu

Te Thebeau
expérience produit
expérience produit

Kim Turnbull
Responsable de produit

Catherine Smith
Concepteur principal de produit

Deirdre Morgan
Conceptrice, Expérience contenu

Ketan Mali
A.Q. ingénierie

Natalya Lohnes
Rédactrice technique

Katie Lawson
Conceptrice, Expérience contenu

Shruti Jamadagni
Conceptrice, Expérience contenu

Trishan Gunness
Architecte des solutions

Catherine Gerow
Conceptrice en chef, Expérience contenu

Wesley Francis
Ingénieur, ingénierie préliminaire

Jonatas DeMello
Ingénieur full-stack

Fahad Daryaee
A.Q. ingénierie

Alexandra Boldyreva
Ingénieure IU

James Barty
Administrateur du système

Kevin Li
QA Engineering Manager

Nick McAuliffe
Engineering Manager

Paul Harapiak
Principal Engineer

Ryan Nickel
Staff Engineer

Natalie Lippey
Data Insights & Analytics Lead

Fabricio Biron Ribeiro
Ingénieur, IU

Guilherme Dickie
Architecte des solutions

Merion Evangelista
Conceptrice de produits

Merion Evangelista
Conceptrice de produits

Tyler Hurst
Product Manager

Zack Meredith
Product Manager

Daria Senishina
Sr Engineer

Leonardo Ciocari
Sr Engineer

Vrunda Shah
Sr QA Engineer

Tyler Almond
Directeur principal de produit

Anastasiia Radionova
Sr Engineer

Lyssa Gagne
Sr Marketing Designer

Vishal Mehta
Sr Engineer

Anastasiia Marinskaya
Sr Engineer

Sarah Kasiske
Sr Product Designer

Gabriela Belmega
Ingénieure principale, AQ

Richard Leuschner
Sr Engineer

Amy Fox
Conceptrice principale, Expérience contenu

Rajendra Babu Natuva
Sr QA Engineer

Joao Paulo De Araujo
Sr Engineer

Vince Navarrete
IT Systems Administrator

AJ Alcantara
IT Systems Administrator

Lui Lobo
Security Analyst

Matthew McLennan
Développeur, Applications dorsales

Jainam Shah
Ingénieur Full Stack

Jose Travassos
Ingénieur IU

Vanessa Townsend
Product Designer

Eric Roy
Ingénieur logiciel

Albert Jung
Content Curator

Bobby Byrne

Gerard D’Mello
Ingénieur logiciel

Donna Luangmany
Content Experience Designer

Rangavi Logaratnam
Product Designer

Eduardo Santana
DevOps Engineer

David Brahla
Motion Graphics & Video Editor

Ellen Weiner
Content Experience Designer

Shafeen Manzur
Technical Support Engineer

Rafael Reis

Cris LaFortune
QA Engineer

Jarod Lavine

Meaghan T'ao
Content Curator

Colin Yoon

Victor Esteves
Marketing Designer

Roma Macwan

Richard Scott

Maria Navarrete
QA Engineer

Pravalika Chada

Haneef Muhammad

Andy Navarro Zagarra

Nelson Murúa
Product Designer

Colin Mackay

Agustin Gomez

Archit Khanna
DevOps Engineer

Angie Low
Director, Customer Success

Filipe Dos-Reis Baptista
Spécialiste des solutions clients

Stephenie Hui
Gestionnaire de comptes clés

Dani Verot
Associé, Réussite clients
Andrew Carrier
Spécialiste de la formation

Camila Villareal
Associée, Réussite clients

Subhanki Sivakumar
Gestionnaire, Réussite client

Cecilia Malazdrewicz
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Sarah Clanfield
Team Lead, Customer Success

Kari Brouwer
Team Lead, Customer Success

Adrienne Dunn
Team Lead, Customer Success

Julia Fernandes
Team Lead, Customer Success

Nabeelah Karim
Adjointe administrative

Deanne Bozzo
Associée, Réussite clients

Gigi Inara
Spécialiste, Solutions clients

Myriam Lamontagne
Associée bilingue, Réussite clients

Owen Jones
Key Account Manager

Ralph Aiello
Employer Liaison

Noelle Zletni
Spécialiste de la formation

Sofia Rokerya
Directrice, solutions clients

Hailey McCaig
Sr Client Solutions Specialist, Integrations

Kira Nguyen
Sr Success Manager

Heather Bugden
Directrice, intégration

Mark Luguya
Sr Success Manager

Jessica Myshrall
Sr Success Manager

Jhonatan Lopez
Success Manager

Debbie Ward
Success Manager

Polina Samson-Doel
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Sonya Srom
Success Manager

Mony Pal
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Vidisha Jha
Onboarding Manager

Courtney Mckenzie
Success Manager

Jerome Martin
Gestionnaire supérieur à la réussite

Zoe Kilsby
Success Manager

Kirsten Mahaffy
Gestionnaire principal, Accueil et intégration

Anil Ramcharan
Client Solutions Specialist, Integrations

Trang Le
Gestionnaire principal, Réussite

Salma El-Sakka
Onboarding Manager

Lisa Dunn
Gestionnaire, Abonnements

Garrett Concannon
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Nero Krishnasamy
Success Manager

Tyler Brown
Gestionnaire, Accueil et intégration

John Ngo
Success Manager

Maggie Amos
Gestionnaire principal, Réussite

David Nkoundjo
Onboarding Manager

Fae Abdulla
Spécialiste des intégrations

Amanda Szpindel
Success Manager

Brian Wismath
Success Manager

Pearl Wyman
Onboarding Manager

Melissa Wolfe
Onboarding Manager

Kurlysha Lander
Customer Success Associate

Jossue Williams
Jr Onboarding Manager

Daniel Gwira
Customer Success Associate

Kate Downes
Customer Success Associate

Vanessa Di Rocco
Customer Success Associate

Julia Chesney
Jr Onboarding Manager

Lucy Meszaros
Customer Success Associate

Elizabeth Munro
Customer Success Associate

Sonia Taylor-Miglioni
Customer Success Associate

Jeremy Starr
Customer Success Associate

Celina Lee
Jr Onboarding Manager

Shanice Williams
Customer Success Associate

Kim McCaig
Data Management Specialist

Divya Arokiam
Administrative Assistant

Tiffany Mckechnie
Administrative Assistant

Idan Firestein
Gestionnaire principal, Réussite

Camila Villareal
Associée, Réussite clients

Filipe Dos-Reis Baptista
Spécialiste des solutions clients

Meghan Foster
Director, Sales

Eric Tennison
Director, Business Development

Shauna Mann
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Sandra Mastronardi
Représentante, Développement des ventes

Katey Wynneck
Directrice canadienne, Partenariats maternelle-12ᵉ année

Lili Fodor
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Josh Turpin
Team Lead, Sales

Jackelyn Skudra
Directrice, Développement des affaires

Keva Varney
Educational Sales Consultant

Page Mosley
Educational Sales Consultant

Tim Sloos
Educational Sales Consultant

Chris Parry
Sales Consultant

Yazen Nelson
Associate Educational Sales Consultant

Signoree Scully
Business Development Representative

Ann Devarashetty
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Ukot Umezinne
Business Development Representative

Jessica Chow
Adjointe aux ventes institutionnelles

Yulia Maikher
Adjointe aux ventes institutionnelles

Christina Kelsh
Business Development Representative

Tobias Allen
Business Development Representative

Stephanie London
Business Development Representative

Josh Niyonkuru
Business Development Representative

Connor Torrance
Business Development Representative

Lili Fodor
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Katie Lutes

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une archéologue. Je creusais constamment dans la cour de mes parents pour voir quelle merveille du passée je pourrais déterrer.

Laura Commisso
Spécialiste en recrutement de talents

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Stevie Lien
Employee Experience Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a teacher because I loved learning about so many subjects

Jessica Tan
Talent Acquisition Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Cliona O'Keeffe
Talent Acquisition Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a vet when I was younger.

Meghan Foster
Director, Sales

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a teacher

Eric Tennison
Director, Business Development

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and have always been fascinated with how much we just don't know about our oceans

Angie Low
Director, Customer Success

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Sarah Brown
Director, Product Management

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
As a kid I wanted to be a race horse veterinarian, art teacher and entrepreneur. I actively pursued each of these on the farm where I grew up, caring every day for my ponies and other farm animals, undertaking constant arty projects and pursuing various money making schemes, even presenting business plans to my parents several of which involved selling goats and pet baby rats. Those childhood passions are pretty closely connected to how my career path has unfolded, which lead me to the creative and business-oriented world of product management. With the exception of a vet - as it turns out I'm super squeamish about the insides of any living thing.

Jeffrey Taylor
Director, Revenue Operations

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Professional Wrestler

Madeleine Starowicz
Director, Product Marketing

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
A writer

Sharon Preda
Associé, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Matt Krawczyk
Strategic Territory Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Amanda Molinaro
Associé subalterne, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Oliver Brown
Strategic Territory Manager

Melissa Hutchison
Strategic Territory Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I most definitely wanted to be a Doctor

Noa Lipton
Gestionnaire principal de l'intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Andrew Shannon
Directeur financier
Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Monica Biesok
Directrice, Marketing des produits

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Maureen Ariza Paredes
Chercheuse, CX

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Ingénieure en aérospatiale à la NASA

Ginny Weitner
Conseillère, Ventes institutionnelles stratégiques

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Détective ou avocate

Sofia Rokerya
Directrice, solutions clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une avocate

Ben Pierce
Directeur, services des données

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Travailleur de la construction

Delfina Manocchio
Directrice principal, Réussite

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Créatrice de mode

Heather Bugden
Directrice, intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Marcio Bomfim
Directeur, design

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Craig Bell
Directeur, contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Te Thebeau
expérience produit

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Je voulais devenir un explorateur des océans comme Jacques Cousteau. J'avais l'habitude de faire semblant que mon pyjama était ma combinaison étanche et de partir explorer les tunnels sous-marins fabriqués à partir de couvertures et de coussins. Je ne suis jamais devenu océanographe, mais je fais de la plongée et de l'exploration sous-marine.

Katie Lutes

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une archéologue. Je creusais constamment dans la cour de mes parents pour voir quelle merveille du passée je pourrais déterrer.

Meredith Beyer-Alldridge
expérience client

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Cinéaste, stratège politique, ou paléontologue

Anthony Abbott
systèmes d'information

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Livrer le plus de journaux possible...

Chris Olford
Gestionnaire, Réussite – Comptes clés

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueur de soccer professionnel ou ingénieur en environnement

Mona Hendesi
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Hôtesse de l'air - (j'adorais voyager même enfant)

Jackelyn Skudra
Directrice, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Enseignante en mathématiques

Jeff Harris
Président et fondateur

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Cowboy, hockeyeur, jardinier, paysagiste

Matt McQuillen
PDG et fondateur

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Je voulais être garde forestier. Probablement parce que je lisais beaucoup de livres et de magazines sur les animaux. J'adorais le magazine Ranger Rick!

Laura Commisso
Spécialiste en recrutement de talents

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Danielle Sheahan
Conceptrice de services

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueuse WNBA

Marah Angara
Éditeur de graphiques animés et de vidéos

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Maureen Ariza Paredes
Chercheuse, CX

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Ingénieure en aérospatiale à la NASA

Meredith Beyer-Alldridge
expérience client

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Cinéaste, stratège politique, ou paléontologue

Tonya French
Program Manager, Customer Education

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Professional Ballerina

Carol Lopez
Team Lead, Training

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher and singer.

Tara Worthey Segal
Educational Content Creator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Christine Mulcahy
Educational Content Creator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted my own store so I could work the cash register and count all the money

Laura Weber
Sr Training Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a backup dancer for either the Backstreet Boys, until I realized I cannot dance at all.

Anthony Cook
Training Specialist, Strategic

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Ninja, veterinarian, basketball player

Megan McCoy
Training Specialist, WBL

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Diana Rechichi
Training Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be Cher - not like her. I wanted to BE her.

Mitch Taylor
Training Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Sophia Obas
Training Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Yinka Boudreaux
Training Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a ballerina and a lawyer, ideally a ballerina lawyer. Not a lawyer defending ballerinas but a lawyer who is also a ballerina. lol

Daniel Gilbert
Training Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a grocery store cashier!

Madeleine Starowicz
Director, Product Marketing

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
A writer

Fatima Stepanian
Gestionnaire de propositions

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Monica Biesok
Directrice, Marketing des produits

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Megan Santos
Gestionnaire principal, Marketing de contenus

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Rachel Wilmshurst

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Jeff Gluck
Spécialiste principal des acquisitions

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Logan Oullette
Program Manager, Xello Communities

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Farah Hossain
Sr Events and Community Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Bugie Lo
Sr Partnerships Development Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
A Doctor or Kindergarten Teacher

George Ferrier
Senior Manager, Marketing Operations

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Dionne Cheong
Gestionnaire, Marketing clientèle

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Manraj Riat
Product Marketing Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Sneha Dhakan
Lifecycle Marketing Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Neha Sharma
Brand & Community Coordinator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Fashion Designer!

Abdulla Wasti
Proposals Writer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Growing up, I wanted to be either a wrestler or a cricket player.

Kate Elliott
Product Marketing Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Jeffrey Taylor
Director, Revenue Operations

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Professional Wrestler
Andrew Shannon
Directeur financier
Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Asif Mohamed
Gestionnaire principal des finances

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueur de baseball professionnel

Wendy Ubaldo

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Anthony Abbott
systèmes d'information

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Livrer le plus de journaux possible...

Cathy Abbott
Adjointe administrative

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Carl Pinto
Chef de projet Salesforce

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Dana Gulas
Analyste de la comptabilité

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Angela Mak
Assistant Controller

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
My first career dream ignited when I passed through the cross-border customs counter for the first time. I remembered vividly that the customs officer had this blank face and coldly said "Passport" to my parents. My parents handed him our passports, and he glanced through each of us and the passports with laser eyes --- as if he could read our minds. Then, he would put the passports under a red-light scanner that *beeped*. He then made multiple typing on the keyboard and asked each of us for our names. At that time, I thought he could see EVERYTHING we did in the past from that computer. That's when I thought -- I wanted to be a customs officer, so that I could see everyone else's life.
Now that I’ve grown up, I could find out everyone else’s life by google or other social media platform — no longer needs to become a customs officer holding the red-light scanner.

Anunay Verma
Revenue Operations Analyst

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Join the Army

Drew Woods
Revenue Operations Analyst

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
And as for what I wanted to be when I was a kid, laugh all you want, but it was true, I wanted to be a statue

Zhanel Mamedaliyeva
Commissions and Planning Analyst

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a surgeon when I was a kid.

Lili Fodor
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Sarah Brown
Director, Product Management

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
As a kid I wanted to be a race horse veterinarian, art teacher and entrepreneur. I actively pursued each of these on the farm where I grew up, caring every day for my ponies and other farm animals, undertaking constant arty projects and pursuing various money making schemes, even presenting business plans to my parents several of which involved selling goats and pet baby rats. Those childhood passions are pretty closely connected to how my career path has unfolded, which lead me to the creative and business-oriented world of product management. With the exception of a vet - as it turns out I'm super squeamish about the insides of any living thing.

Sneha Cecil
Concepteur de produits

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Merion Evangelista
Conceptrice de produits

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une chanteuse

Guilherme Dickie
Architecte des solutions

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Ingénieure en logiciel

Carlos Darcie
Concepteur de graphiques animés

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Chirurgien plasticien

Beverly Li
Ingénieur, IU

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Fabricio Biron Ribeiro
Ingénieur, IU

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Jules Carney
Ingénieur Full Stack

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Lily Beaul
Ingénieur principal, Applications frontales

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Conceptrice de jeux

George Batalinski
Ingénieur principal, Applications frontales et ScrumMaster

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueur de tennis

Ben Pierce
Directeur, services des données

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Travailleur de la construction

Marcio Bomfim
Directeur, design

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Craig Bell
Directeur, contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Te Thebeau
expérience produit

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Je voulais devenir un explorateur des océans comme Jacques Cousteau. J'avais l'habitude de faire semblant que mon pyjama était ma combinaison étanche et de partir explorer les tunnels sous-marins fabriqués à partir de couvertures et de coussins. Je ne suis jamais devenu océanographe, mais je fais de la plongée et de l'exploration sous-marine.

Kim Turnbull
Responsable de produit

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Wonder Woman. Enseignante. Dessinatrice de bandes dessinées. Écrivaine. Peut-être un chat, si je fais beaucoup d'efforts.

Catherine Smith
Concepteur principal de produit

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Deirdre Morgan
Conceptrice, Expérience contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Hôtesse de l'air

Ketan Mali
A.Q. ingénierie

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueur de cricket ou acteur

Natalya Lohnes
Rédactrice technique

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Cela changeait fréquemment et dépendait normalement du livre que j'étais en train de lire. Alors, ça pouvait varier entre une magicienne, une dresseuse de chevaux, et une écrivaine

Katie Lawson
Conceptrice, Expérience contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Shruti Jamadagni
Conceptrice, Expérience contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Trishan Gunness
Architecte des solutions

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Catherine Gerow
Conceptrice en chef, Expérience contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Enseignantes ou biologiste de la vie marine

Wesley Francis
Ingénieur, ingénierie préliminaire

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Pilote (j'avais l'habitude de rêver que je pouvais voler. Ça m'arrive encore à l'occasion)

Jonatas DeMello
Ingénieur full-stack

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
J'ai toujours voulu travailler avec les ordinateurs et les appareils électroniques.

Fahad Daryaee
A.Q. ingénierie

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
J'ai toujours voulu poursuivre une carrière en ingénierie, mais je ne savais pas dans quel domaine. Je me suis spécialisé en logiciel, et j'adore ça!

Alexandra Boldyreva
Ingénieure IU

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Professeure ou médecin

James Barty
Administrateur du système

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Attaquant pour Liverpool FC

Kevin Li
QA Engineering Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Video Game shop owner

Nick McAuliffe
Engineering Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Computer games programmer

Paul Harapiak
Principal Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
First, I wanted to be an engineer -- the kind that drives the train.
Then I wanted to be an archeologist, or an anthropologist; the deep past is pretty fascinating.
Eventually, I wanted to be an engineer like my dad, because I liked building things, like models and go-karts

Ryan Nickel
Staff Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Natalie Lippey
Data Insights & Analytics Lead

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I always wanted to be an Engineer. I didn't know what that meant so decided to find out be getting a degree in Electrical Engineering

Fabricio Biron Ribeiro
Ingénieur, IU

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Guilherme Dickie
Architecte des solutions

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Ingénieure en logiciel

Merion Evangelista
Conceptrice de produits

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une chanteuse

Merion Evangelista
Conceptrice de produits

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une chanteuse

Tyler Hurst
Product Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
As all small children who saw Jurassic Park, I wanted to be a paleontologist. Then I wanted to be a CSI agent.

Zack Meredith
Product Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
1. Muscleman
2. Pet shop owner
3. Teacher

Daria Senishina
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to solve mysteries, so being a detective seemed like the perfect fit.

Leonardo Ciocari
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to work with computers and electronics!

Vrunda Shah
Sr QA Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Interestingly, as a child, I aspired to become a professor, and that dream still resonates with me; who knows, I might pursue that path in the future!

Tyler Almond
Directeur principal de produit

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Rock star, snowboardeur ou skater professionnel Sachant que ces carrières n'étaient pas très réalistes, j'ai pensé qu'une carrière comme concepteur pourrait être un bon plan de secours.

Anastasiia Radionova
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
At school, I wanted to be a journalist so that I could be at the epicenter of the most interesting things happening in the world.

Lyssa Gagne
Sr Marketing Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be three things: a forensic scientist, a marriage/family counselor, or a comedic actor.
I idolized Dana Scully, I loved helping others, and I wanted to be the next Jim Carrey or Robin Williams.

Vishal Mehta
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to become an automobile engineer.

Anastasiia Marinskaya
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a Lego builder

Sarah Kasiske
Sr Product Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Professional Musician

Gabriela Belmega
Ingénieure principale, AQ

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Enseignante au niveau primaire

Richard Leuschner
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
As child I wanted to be a helicopter pilot.

Amy Fox
Conceptrice principale, Expérience contenu

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Conceptrice de cabane dans les arbres

Rajendra Babu Natuva
Sr QA Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Joao Paulo De Araujo
Sr Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Anything that would allow me to explore the wonders of technology!

Vince Navarrete
IT Systems Administrator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

AJ Alcantara
IT Systems Administrator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Police Officer

Lui Lobo
Security Analyst

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a police officer.

Matthew McLennan
Développeur, Applications dorsales

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueur de la LNH

Jainam Shah
Ingénieur Full Stack

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Professeure de physique

Jose Travassos
Ingénieur IU

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Vanessa Townsend
Product Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Marine Biologist

Eric Roy
Ingénieur logiciel

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Astronaute (carrière n° 38!)

Albert Jung
Content Curator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
A gas station attendant, a fast food restaurant employee, a fireman, and an astronaut in sequential order

Bobby Byrne

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Photographer, environmentalist

Gerard D’Mello
Ingénieur logiciel

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Ingénieur en électronique

Donna Luangmany
Content Experience Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Interior designer or writer. I wanted a creative career!

Rangavi Logaratnam
Product Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Artist or Detective

Eduardo Santana
DevOps Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be firefighter

David Brahla
Motion Graphics & Video Editor

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Ellen Weiner
Content Experience Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Shafeen Manzur
Technical Support Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Ice Cream Truck Driver

Rafael Reis

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Cris LaFortune
QA Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Jarod Lavine

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Meaghan T'ao
Content Curator

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
An author or poet

Colin Yoon

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Victor Esteves
Marketing Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to become a plane pilot. I used to spend hours reading an illustrated encyclopedia of aircraft and having awake dreams about stories and adventures on that planes.

Roma Macwan

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Doctor or Lawyer

Richard Scott

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I remember wanting to be a mad scientist at one point? Haha

Maria Navarrete
QA Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Pravalika Chada

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor, but over time, my interest shifted to IT.

Haneef Muhammad

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Andy Navarro Zagarra

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be an architect.

Nelson Murúa
Product Designer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a musician.

Colin Mackay

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I wanted to write fantasy books

Agustin Gomez

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a video-game tester so I could spend all day playing video games.

Archit Khanna
DevOps Engineer

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a pilot :)

Angie Low
Director, Customer Success

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Filipe Dos-Reis Baptista
Spécialiste des solutions clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Stephenie Hui
Gestionnaire de comptes clés

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Biologiste de la vie marine

Dani Verot
Associé, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Andrew Carrier
Spécialiste de la formation
Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueur de hockey professionnel

Camila Villareal
Associée, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Subhanki Sivakumar
Gestionnaire, Réussite client

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Cecilia Malazdrewicz
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Sarah Clanfield
Team Lead, Customer Success

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Police Officer

Kari Brouwer
Team Lead, Customer Success

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Kindergarten Teacher

Adrienne Dunn
Team Lead, Customer Success

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Julia Fernandes
Team Lead, Customer Success

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Nabeelah Karim
Adjointe administrative

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Deanne Bozzo
Associée, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Gigi Inara
Spécialiste, Solutions clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Myriam Lamontagne
Associée bilingue, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Owen Jones
Key Account Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Ralph Aiello
Employer Liaison

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Baseball player

Noelle Zletni
Spécialiste de la formation

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une astronaute, parce que j'ai toujours été intéressée par l'espace et l'univers

Sofia Rokerya
Directrice, solutions clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une avocate

Hailey McCaig
Sr Client Solutions Specialist, Integrations

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Costume designer

Kira Nguyen
Sr Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Martial artist

Heather Bugden
Directrice, intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Mark Luguya
Sr Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Engineer! I didn't know what engineers did but I liked that it was a big word that sounded cool :)

Jessica Myshrall
Sr Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
artist, writer, comedian

Jhonatan Lopez
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be an actor

Debbie Ward
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to work with horses

Polina Samson-Doel
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Sonya Srom
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Kindergarten Teacher

Mony Pal
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Architecte J'adorais regarder les gratte-ciel et me demander comment ils avaient été construits.

Vidisha Jha
Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Courtney Mckenzie
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Jerome Martin
Gestionnaire supérieur à la réussite

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Un pilote. J'étais obsédé par les avions et je les construisais avec du bois, du papier, n'importe quel matériau sur lequel je pouvais mettre la main!

Zoe Kilsby
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Kirsten Mahaffy
Gestionnaire principal, Accueil et intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Anil Ramcharan
Client Solutions Specialist, Integrations

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a movie director, inspired by George Lucas and Akira Kurosawa

Trang Le
Gestionnaire principal, Réussite

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Rendre les gens jolis

Salma El-Sakka
Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a English Teacher!

Lisa Dunn
Gestionnaire, Abonnements

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Garrett Concannon
Gestionnaire de l'intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Nero Krishnasamy
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer! I really thought I could catch em' all.

Tyler Brown
Gestionnaire, Accueil et intégration

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Je voulais être le quart arrière partant des New England Patriots. Voyez grand!

John Ngo
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Fighter Pilot

Maggie Amos
Gestionnaire principal, Réussite

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Danseuse étoile, comme Karen Kain

David Nkoundjo
Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Professional Soccer Player

Fae Abdulla
Spécialiste des intégrations

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Une scientifique

Amanda Szpindel
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I always wanted to be a teacher

Brian Wismath
Success Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Pearl Wyman
Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was younger, I wanted to be a physicist… until I took AP calculus in high school.

Melissa Wolfe
Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer, or professional rugby player

Kurlysha Lander
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was younger, I wanted to be a flight attendant or a sports journalist

Jossue Williams
Jr Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Wildlife Cameraman

Daniel Gwira
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Doctor or a Fighter Pilot

Kate Downes
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was younger I wanted to be an actress

Vanessa Di Rocco
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress!

Julia Chesney
Jr Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
a teacher

Lucy Meszaros
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Elizabeth Munro
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet!

Sonia Taylor-Miglioni
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a Vet when I grew up because "I loved animals".

Jeremy Starr
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Rollercoaster tester. Is it a real job? Probably not. But did little Jeremy think he would travel the world to ensure that rollercoasters were safe (and fun) for the public to ride? Absolutely.

Celina Lee
Jr Onboarding Manager

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
A ballerina and a lawyer, at the exact same time

Shanice Williams
Customer Success Associate

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a supermodel and a pediatrician

Kim McCaig
Data Management Specialist

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Divya Arokiam
Administrative Assistant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a dentist

Tiffany Mckechnie
Administrative Assistant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was young I wanted to be an archeologist

Idan Firestein
Gestionnaire principal, Réussite

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Pilote de chasse

Camila Villareal
Associée, Réussite clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Filipe Dos-Reis Baptista
Spécialiste des solutions clients

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Meghan Foster
Director, Sales

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a teacher

Eric Tennison
Director, Business Development

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and have always been fascinated with how much we just don't know about our oceans

Shauna Mann
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Joueuse WNBA

Sandra Mastronardi
Représentante, Développement des ventes

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Katey Wynneck
Directrice canadienne, Partenariats maternelle-12ᵉ année

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Lili Fodor
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Josh Turpin
Team Lead, Sales

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
A Police Officer.

Jackelyn Skudra
Directrice, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?
Enseignante en mathématiques

Keva Varney
Educational Sales Consultant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a Veterinarian!

Page Mosley
Educational Sales Consultant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a movie director

Tim Sloos
Educational Sales Consultant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Chris Parry
Sales Consultant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
As a kid I always wanted to be a footballer

Yazen Nelson
Associate Educational Sales Consultant

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up.

Signoree Scully
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
I wanted to be a family lawyer or social worker.

Ann Devarashetty
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Ukot Umezinne
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
Air hostess

Jessica Chow
Adjointe aux ventes institutionnelles

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?

Yulia Maikher
Adjointe aux ventes institutionnelles

Christina Kelsh
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

Tobias Allen
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
As a kid growing up at the beach all the time I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and work at the Miami Seaquarium.

Stephanie London
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid I always wanted to be a singer!

Josh Niyonkuru
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to become a professional footballer “soccer” player!

Connor Torrance
Business Development Representative

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional soccer player.

Lili Fodor
Représentante, Développement des affaires

Quand tu étais enfant, quelle carrière voulais-tu avoir?