How Stockport School uses Xello to provide personalised guidance
We recently caught up with trailblazing educators Belinda Schofield and Michael Henshall-Watson to review the wider context of careers education provision at Stockport School.
Belinda, as assistant headteacher, what are some of the key objectives you are striving for this year?
consistent and progressive approach to the use of online resources for all our students. We wanted a tool that would enable us to track more accurately our students’ potential career choices and future pathways whilst at the same time empowering students to take responsibility and have ownership of their plans.
Initially, we needed to communicate a clear message to our Year 11 students that using Xello could provide clarity about their skills and interests and give them the motivation and confidence to make plans for their future. With the current circumstances, our Year 11 students needed prompt advice and clear direction and Xello helped us personalise this support.

Michael, as the education & careers advice worker, what were you hoping to achieve?
My role is to undertake the one-to-one interviews with the Year 11 students. Normally, this process starts in the summer term and is achieved through completing paper-based surveys which can be time-consuming. I was looking for a solution that would engage our students quickly and one that would allow us to make the most of the face-to-face time together – socially distanced, of course. Having had a late start to the interviews this year, we needed this process to have a meaningful impact so that students felt empowered to complete applications for suitable destinations.
How has Xello allowed you to optimise and further personalise your one-to-one guidance programme?
Xello has definitely changed the nature of my one-to-one guidance sessions with students. The way that I approach these sessions now is to have the students log into Xello and together we talk about what they’ve completed in the program. I’ve found that students are really opening up and asking more questions–both about careers in general but also about how to use Xello to explore their options.
Xello helps me administratively as well. I can prioritise my interviews. I can see who has completed lessons and assessments, and then, during our meeting, encourage them to complete different sections. I especially like the Skills Lab assessment! It helps students understand their skill set matches and validates their understanding of a suggested career.
I have found that the students have much higher aspirations this year which, considering the year it’s been, is fantastic!