Making Application Management a Snap with Common App

Xello and Common App deliver an integrated application management experience for high-school students and staff.
There’s no tiptoeing around it. Applying to college is stressful. For your senior students it’s a time for big decisions, confusing forms, and next-level organization. For counselors and teachers, it means juggling requests, managing progress, and keeping students on track — on top of other day-to-day responsibilities.
That’s where our integration with Common App comes in! For enhanced support for college-bound students, Xello and Common App have teamed up to make the process of requesting, collecting, and submitting college application documents easier for your students and educators.
What does the Common App integration mean for your students?
When it comes to document requests, students will continue to request transcripts and letters of recommendation for Common App colleges from within their Application Checklists in Xello.
Requesting a transcript to submit to Common App colleges will only need to be done once – students will simply select their counselor and send the request with the click of a button.
For letters of recommendation, students will see the number of recommendation letters they need to request, and can select any educator at their school as their “recommender” or send a request to someone outside of their school (like a coach, trainer, employer) using an email address. Once a request is sent, the recommender is notified with an automated email notification.
As students complete all other requirements for their applications, they’ll compile and submit through their Common App account, and be able to track progress on their applications in Xello.
New student capabilities to support Common App applications:
- Easily request teacher evaluations from their previous teachers.
- Quickly find their assigned counselor when requesting forms.
- Self-report on their college admission decisions and indicate whether they’ve been accepted, waitlisted, not accepted, or are waiting for a decision.
- Keep track of their progress by seeing when a Common App application is complete right in Xello.
As students complete all other requirements for their applications, they’ll compile and submit through their Common App account. In the fall, they’ll be able to track progress on their application in Xello.
What does the Common App integration mean for your educators?
For counselors and teachers, Xello’s integration with Common App means end-to-end application management under one roof — saving you time, and the administrative headache of managing multiple systems.
In your Educator Account, you’ll be able to manage all documentation for Common App schools from within the College Planning section.
New enhancements to support Common App applications for educators:
- View student FERPA statuses before processing forms
- Simplify corrections by un-submitting forms, including the Final Report
- Xello Academy Common App course for counselors
How do I get the Common App integration for my high schools?
If you’re a district leader and are interested in getting Common App added to the educator and student accounts at your school for the 2024/2025 school year, connect with your Xello Success Manager today. If you’re not sure who to get in touch with, drop us an email at – we’ll be happy to redirect your inquiry to the right folks.
If you’d like to know more about the Common App integration, click on the link below 👇
Common App & Xello
What’s next?
Once your school or district has opted-in to the Common App integration, you’ll receive more information on how to get your schools integrated, training resources for your educators, and more, over the coming months.
If you choose to add this integration to your Xello account, you can rest assured that your staff and students will have all the resources they’ll need to be successful.
We look forward to supporting you and your students through a more seamless college application season and encourage you to reach out should you have any questions about the suite of college planning tools available to your district.