How to Use Xello for Remote Learning

Maintaining continuity with Xello during COVID-19 as you move college and career readiness beyond the classroom. Learn how to use Xello for remote learning and how to create your remote learning plan.
As you build plans for delivering remote learning, we wanted to remind you of some ways that Xello can help.
Xello provides district-wide access to an engaging, online program that helps K-12 students prepare for college, career, and future success. Students and educators can login anywhere, at any time, on any device, with unlimited access to online resources and support from our Success Management and Client Solutions teams.
In forming your remote learning strategy, if you’re not currently using Xello, our team is standing by to offer assistance. We’ll help you get Xello set-up and running quickly to support your virtual learning strategies.
For those of you already using Xello in your districts, below you’ll find some tips for how you can easily leverage the features and capabilities already within Xello to bolster your distance education plan.
Create Your Remote Learning Plan
Unstructured days, parent involvement, and the risk of learning loss means educators are scrambling to pull together plans of action.
That means determining the key activities students need to complete to stay on track, and building a plan for disseminating that information.
If your district is already using Xello, now is the time to map out what you want your students to be doing to stay on track. To do this, consider the following steps:
- Bring departments together to align on the desired learning outcomes for students when it comes to career planning and college preparation.
- Based on district outcomes, national requirements, and state standards, list out the key activities you want students to complete within Xello, and by when.
- If you have a state mandate for college and career readiness or an ILP requirement, learn how Xello can fulfill those goals. We’ve mapped many state mandates to our program, with ready-made guides available. Check out the link to access free guides below:
Access Your Free Xello State Correlation Guides Here
- Xello’s future readiness model also helps meet the national ASCA standards for Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success. The free guide below will show you how:
Access Your Free ASCA Correlation Guide Here
Configure Xello for Success
Take full advantage of customizable features and content that will help ensure students complete required work.
We have developed Scope & Sequence guides that can help you fully utilize Xello with your students at every grade.
You can download your grade specific guides below for free: 👇
Scope & Sequence Guide: Grades K-2
Scope & Sequence Guide: Grades 3-5
Scope & Sequence Guide: Grades 6-12
Consider leveraging the following features in Xello to make remote learning and measurement a bit easier:
- Setting up Student Groups: Groups are an easy way to support, organize, and track each grade or segment of your student population. You can create groups of students that can be used to easily filter lists and reports, create assignments for select students, and more — allowing you to more easily tailor your remote education plans and activities.
- Activating Lessons: Built-in, age appropriate curriculum that guides your students through the program and ensures they build critical skills and knowledge to be college and career ready. Lessons can be configured to align with your district goals. Xello has ready-made lessons for grades 6-12 and grades 3-5. And the ability to create custom lessons means you can tailor the learning experience for your district. If you’re a district leader, get in touch with your Xello Success Manager for free guidance and Lesson set-up.
- Using Assignments: Create assignments for groups of students with descriptions, due dates, prerequisites, and related files. After an assignment is created, it immediately appears on a student’s Xello Dashboard. Students can then complete assignments by uploading files of various types. Once students submit their work, educators can review it, provide feedback, and mark it as reviewed. Available on desktop and tablet, assignments are a great way to supplement activities already in Xello, and keep student work organized in a single spot.
- Enabling Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation: For your senior students, make sure college application planning can continue. If you’re a district leader, contact your Success Manager to get transcripts and the ability to request letters of recommendation set-up in Xello for your district.
Communicate Your Plan & Expectations for Students
Post your plan in the most relevant spot for parents and students to access. That could include sending it out via email, adding it to a page on your district website, including it within a LMS, or posting it to Google Classroom.
You can also upload your plan from directly within Xello using the Links & Resources feature. Upload files and add links by going to your Educator Portal and clicking Dashboard Resources in the left menu.
When communicating the plan, be sure to outline what you want students to be doing, but also include the following:
- How to login: Students can access Xello at or, if available, using SSO. If students can’t remember their Xello password, they can reset it by clicking on the Having trouble signing in? link on the page. Here’s a helpful article on how to access Xello.
- Parental engagement: Parental involvement is key when work needs to be completed outside the classroom. Be sure to send an email to parents about what expectations are for students using Xello at home including, how they can login, key activities they’re expected to do, desired time in the program, and where help resources can be accessed (
- Mobile access information: Not every student will have easy access to a computer, but may have access to a tablet or smartphone. Xello works on these devices with the following web browser requirements. Here’s another helpful article on how to access the full version of Xello 6-12 on a mobile device.
For communication with students, Xello’s two way messaging capability comes in handy. You can send a message in-context from a variety of locations in your educator account and receive an email notification when a student has replied.
Track & Measure Student Progress
Keep tabs on student engagement and what students are doing in the program through Xello’s Educator Portal.
Your dashboard and Engagement Reports will help you measure how many students are logging in, while Student Work Reports show you what students are doing in the program, and Lesson Progress Reports show which students are on track with their lessons.
You’ll be able to easily see which students are engaged, the completion rates for assigned work, and who needs a reminder to get back on track.
Reach Out Any Time
These are uncertain times, but you can count on the Xello team to lend a hand where we can.
Let us know how we can best support you and your students.
If you’re looking to get Xello for your district to help with your remote learning strategies, you can contact us here.
If you’re a district leader with Xello in your schools, contact your dedicated Success Manager. They can offer strategic support and set-up guidance as you move your district to a remote learning model.
If you’re using Xello and need help with the program, contact our Client Solutions team at or by phone at +1 (800) 965-8541.
We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out.