College Planning Solutions

Easily prepare students for college success

Xello's college planning tools guide students through every step of their future-readiness journey — from discovery to application, financial planning, and beyond.

End-to-end support for every step in the journey


Select schools

Engage students in finding best fit colleges with vibrant school profiles detailing campus life, programs, and what it takes to get in.

Enable applications

Help students more easily compile, send, and track all the documents needed for successful application, directly within Xello.

Manage deadlines

Say goodbye to missed and overlooked application and FAFSA deadlines with active notifications on key dates and deliverables.

Pay for college

From FAFSA to scholarships, grants, work-study, and loans programs, support every student in negotiating their full range of financial options.
How it works

Tools and resources to help students make sound decisions

Application tracker
Powerful integrations
Knowledge hub
Application tracker
Powerful integrations
Knowledge hub

Track college applications with confidence and ease

Juniors and seniors preparing for college can easily submit and track application documents to thousands of colleges and universities directly through Xello.
And with a clear view of due dates, scores, and admission decisions, students will stay on track with less anxiety and need for follow-up.
Educator tools

Level up district college planning guidance


Monitor application progress

Access student applications and see their progress so you know which students are on track and who needs extra support. Students can also self report college acceptances to enhance your reporting.

Teach students how to persist

Xello’s turn-key lessons help students build the decision making, problem solving, and planning skills they’ll need to thrive after high-school.

Provide guidance on scholarships opportunities

Manage, track and support your students as they apply for scholarships, empowering them to discover opportunities tailored to their needs.
Take a tour

Experience Xello's college planning capabilities for yourself

Student tour

Student centric and empowering, see how Xello helps students plan for college with intuitive, easy to navigate tools.
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Educator tour

See how Xello helps educators support their students through every step of their college planning journey.
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College planning resources

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