We Stand Against Systemic Racism: A Letter from the Xello Team

It’s been weeks of strong emotions. We’ve felt anger over the deep-rooted inequities facing the Black community. Frustration that, as a society, we still have so much work to do. But, also, hopefulness that tangible change is still possible.
As an education company, we play a role in shaping the future through our work with students, counselors, and teachers. And, now more than ever, we understand the importance of equity and diversity. These values underpin how we design our program, create content, engage with our customers, and support our staff. There is no place for racism. There is no place for hate, privilege, inequity, ignorance, or apathy.
But we can do more. We will do more.
It’s the personal responsibility of each and every one of us to strive for change. Change in how we think and change in how we act.
At Xello, we will drive change.
For students, we will use our vehicle to combat racism, bias, and social injustice. Through the imagery we use, the stories we tell, and the design of our program, we can help shape how future generations think about race, equality, and future potential. We commit to building inclusivity even more deeply into the content and support we deliver.
For counselors, teachers, and district staff, we commit to being allies in the fight against systemic racism. To listen, learn, and deepen our understanding of the problems that students and educators from disaffected communities have to overcome. To better support districts that are challenged with persistent issues of underfunding and poverty, we will use our voice to advocate for reform. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be reaching out to our network of educators — inviting them to a roundtable series of discussions to understand the impact of racism and social injustice within their school systems. Our goal is to identify actionable ways that Xello can help bring about the change that is desperately needed and offer tangible support.
And as individuals, we commit to continuously educating ourselves; to build our knowledge so we evolve as people, co-workers and community members. As a first step, we’ve started a list of resources. These books, movies, documentaries, articles, and podcasts illuminate the lived experiences of Black people. They inspire reflection, and fuel more informed conversations, but there’s more to learn. We invite you to add to this list, share it with your community, and provide us with your feedback.
We commit to listening, learning, and, most importantly, driving change. Creating positive change is inextricably linked with our mission as a company – to help every student become future ready, regardless of background, ability, or pathway. That is our promise to students, educators, and our community.
From what we see in the world today, we have work to do. At Xello, we’re committed to doing it.